Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Look what I found!

I found a pair of texting mitts (fingerless mittens) (I had knit up years ago) in a tub of hats/mittens/gloves my ddh(dear darling husband) brought in from storage:
I still love that pattern!
I made a pair in pale pink and mint green for my mother-in-law when she was in hospis for pancreatic cancer.
I also knit up a pair in dark pink and light pink and sold them on Ebay.
It is such an easy pattern and it knits up so quick.
That's all for today!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Sold another item from my new shop!

I am so excited!
I sold another couple items from my new shop


My little Sweetie Pie the lamb:
Please pray for the recipient as she is a cancer survivor...lets keep her that way!  :o)

Sweetie Pie couldn't wait to travel to her forever home!

Here is Sweetie Pie all packed up to travel:

May the Lord bless and keep this family that Sweetie Pie is traveling to!
May He let His Face shine upon them.
And be gracious to them!
And give them HIS Peace!!  :o)

Maurice may be accompanying Sweetie Pie:

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Source of the AWESOME dolls I posted pics of in the previous post.......

"Cutie Pies" repaints by Alicesun on Ebay.com......This is where the incredibly talented artist who painted and dressed the dolls pictured in the previous post sells her wonderful dolls!!

Here's a couple more of my creations:

I wanted to post a few pics of my best customer's dolls which she dressed up with my Hat/Sweater sets. They are displayed on a EverAfter type doll but the sweaters also fit the Blythe dolls.
*Of course the hats are way too small for a Blythe doll.
The sets also fit MonsterHigh, Liv,  and Kish-Riley.

About the little things.....

I love miniature things that are perfect in detail just small. 
 See small but perfect!  :)
(Hannah *twin* , Luke, Abraham *twin*)
These are three of my kids.
I have 5 all together.
Great kids!

But I digress....
I love to create things.
Mainly I knit and crochet but creating anything is my passion.
I want to share with others of like passions.

7 years ago I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
It was caught early but the treatments left me with
rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.
For a while it was so bad I was bed-ridden and could
barely stand the pain.

I have come a long way with a great Duke pain meds doc
and lots of love from my family.
Now I would like to give back by raising funds for The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

My Esty site:
The above banner is the motto of my Etsy shop.

My shop incorporates the two passions of my life right now.....
support for breast cancer research and creating little things that encourage and inspire. :o)
Zoe says: Spring has sprung in NC!  :o)

Easter is coming...here is a hat/sweater set I created for one of my wonderful customers!