Monday, June 22, 2015

FREE Ever After Doll Cardigan KNITTING PATTERN

One of my customers requests items I don't have patterns for the hats/outfits/sweaters she needs.
As a result, I make up my own patterns.
I really need to keep these patterns documented somewhere so I'm not "re-inventing the wheel" so to speak every time I make one.

I am going to put them on my blog so I'll have them some place safe that I can refer to from any devise any place on the planet...I'm going on a cruise soon.  :o)

So here is the first is a sweater made to fit the head of and Ever After type "Barbie" doll.

FREE Ever After doll Cardigan Sweater knitting PATTERN:


size 3 Crochet Cotton 
             (Lizbeth Size 3 has lots of colors)
   or fingering cotton yarn  (Knit Picks cotton fingering)
US size 2 circular needles  ( I would say at least 29" long)
             HiyaHiya SHARP  are my all time favorite
             ChiaoGoo Lace 
             Addi Turbo Lace this is a good one too just make sure you buy from Addi cause the 
                      cheap ones I purchase on Ebay are cheap in quality as well as price!
I use a contrasting piece of cotton yarn for my Markers but a pretty stitch marker works too!  :o)


K       = Knit
K2T   = Knit 2 Together
 M+1 = Make one by picking up the strand between the stitches on the needles and knitting into it
 MM  = Move Marker
M      = Marker
P       = Purl
SKKPO = Slip a stitch as to Knit, Knit next stitch, Pass the first slipped stitch Over the stitch just                                                                                                                                                            knit.
SS     = Slip Stitch

Starting at the Neck:

Cast on 3, place marker, cast on 3, place marker, cast on 5 , place marker, cast on 3 place marker,
              cast on 3.
( casting on a total of 17 stitches and placing 4 markers )

The first 3 stitches are the front of the cardigan.
Second 3 st are a sleeve.
Third 5 are the back.
The fourth set of 3 st are the other sleeve.
The Fifth set of st (3) are the other side of the front.


1: Knit
2: Purl
3: Increase row..... K 3, M+1, MM,
                              K 1, M+1, K 1,  M+1, K 1,  MM
                              M+1, K 5, M+1, MM
                             K 1, M+1, K 1,  M+1, K 1,  MM
                             M+1, K 3

4: S 1, P 1, K 1  then Purl across to last 3 S  MM as you come to them.
                            K 1, P 1, K 1.

5: SS, P 1, K to M, M+1, MM
              K 1, M+1, K to last stitch before the M, M+1, K 1, MM
               M+1, K across to M, M+1, MM
               K 1, M+1, K to last stitch before the M, M+1, K 1, MM
                M+1, K to last 3 stitches, K 1, P 1, K 1

REPEAT rows 4 and 5 until there are 11 stitches between the M placed for the sleeves.
        (The 2nd and 4th set of stitches.)

( I don't put in button holes because a little purl bead that I use for the button slips easily between stitches.)

Repeat Row 4 one more time.

Removing Sleeves from the Needle:

SS first stitch.
P 1, K to first marker, M+1, MM,
SS all of the stitches up to the next M onto a S holder or a scrap piece of yarn,
   Drop off this M and set it aside.
   You now have the front stitches and 1 M on your right needle.

K 1, M+1, K to one S before the next M, M+1, K 1, MM
SS all of the stitches up to the next M onto a S holder or a scrap piece of yarn,
   Drop off this M and set it aside.
   You now a M on your right needle, All the Back Stitches, and another M then front stitches

 M+1, K to last 3 stitches, K 1, P 1, K 1

Now starting another set of rows continuing with the main body of the sweater:

1: S 1, P 1, K 1  then Purl across to last 3 S  MM as you come to them.
                            K 1, P 1, K 1.

          S 1, P 1, K to M, M+1, MM, 
            K 1, M+1, K to 1 S before the M, M+1, K 1, MM
           M+1, K to last 3 S, K 1, P 1, K 1.

REPEAT last 2 Rows 1 time.

5. S 1, P 1, K 1  then Purl across to last 3 removing M as you come to them.
                            K 1, P 1, K 1.

6.  S 1, P 1, K 1  then Knit across to last 3, K 1, P 1, K 1.

7.  S 1, P 1, K 1  then Purl across to last 3, K 1, P 1, K 1.

Continue repeating Rows 6. and 7. until the sweater is the length you desire.
Do 3 rows of seed stitch or 1 x 1 ribbing.
Cast off in pattern.
Sew in all yarn ends.


Starting at the center of the arm pit pick up 1 stitch then
Take the sleeve stitches for one of the sleeves from the stitch holder and put them on a circular needle using the Magic Loop method.
K until sleeve is about a 1/3" or a 1/4" before the length you would like it.
Do K1P1 ribbing for 3 rows.
Bind off and hide all ends.

Continued in my next post!  :o)


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Cute Fairy Doll Template FREE

Aren't these cute?
Wouldn't it be pretty to make a mobile out of them for a little girls room?

In the summer I like to imagine the butterflies that flutter around my yard are pretty little fairies flitting about!  :o)

My little mini-datsun thinks they are part of the "red-dot" game!  We have a laser pointer that we shine on the floor and she chases, as FAST as she can, the little red dot all over the house. When Zoe noticed the shadows of bugs flying in the sun over our patio, suddenly she looked at me and seemed to say....oh, this is the "black-dot" game....I get it and off she went!

Well, I have several orders to get out before I leave for the Baltic Sea....

7 little knitted stuffed animals....bunnies, mice, bears
6 little crocheted forest creatures of my choosing
1 outfit for Bitty Baby
1 outfit for American Girl Doll
5 sweaters for Ever After Barbie-type doll
with matching hats
1 bunny bunting outfit for the Ever After Barbie-type doll

Better get busy!  :o)
Blessings on this beautiful NC day!!!
She's A FIGHTER who INSPIRES me!!!!!
Be inspired!!