Thursday, June 18, 2015

Cute Fairy Doll Template FREE

Aren't these cute?
Wouldn't it be pretty to make a mobile out of them for a little girls room?

In the summer I like to imagine the butterflies that flutter around my yard are pretty little fairies flitting about!  :o)

My little mini-datsun thinks they are part of the "red-dot" game!  We have a laser pointer that we shine on the floor and she chases, as FAST as she can, the little red dot all over the house. When Zoe noticed the shadows of bugs flying in the sun over our patio, suddenly she looked at me and seemed to say....oh, this is the "black-dot" game....I get it and off she went!

Well, I have several orders to get out before I leave for the Baltic Sea....

7 little knitted stuffed animals....bunnies, mice, bears
6 little crocheted forest creatures of my choosing
1 outfit for Bitty Baby
1 outfit for American Girl Doll
5 sweaters for Ever After Barbie-type doll
with matching hats
1 bunny bunting outfit for the Ever After Barbie-type doll

Better get busy!  :o)
Blessings on this beautiful NC day!!!
She's A FIGHTER who INSPIRES me!!!!!
Be inspired!!

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