Saturday, March 5, 2016

Kefir Yogurt!

I've got YOGURT KEFIR!!!

Yesterday I received my starter grains for making Kefir:

I followed the directions exactly.
That was yesterday.
Today I opened my little jam jar and I had this:
The blue strip is a warming helps to keep the jars warm...we have our house set at 66 degrees Fahrenheit so it gets kind of cool in our kitchen sometimes.

I took some of the kefir grains and put them with some goat's milk in another jar for
tomorrow's yogurt!  :o)

This made yogurt Kefir.... creamy style...not liquid style!
I couldn't be more excited and happy!
With a little goat's milk (or regular milk) and Kefir grains I'm having yogurt everyday!
Who knew it was that easy!!!! :o)

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